Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Byram Incorporation, Part III

Published originally at http://www.onlinebyram.com on Oct. 14, 2006.

Those poor people who live in the areas where they had hoped to become a part of the new City of Byram but are now looking at the very real possibility of being annexed by Jackson -- very much against their will -- are angry, and rightfully so.

At one Thursday evening meeting of the "Byram Interim Board of Aldermen," at which the "Byram Interim Mayor" Nick Tremonte, and WAPT-TV 16, were also present -- a meeting which I sometimes like to call "The Big Fight" -- Mr. Tremonte promised those residents that he WOULD NOT sell them out to Jackson, but now, apparently, he, and others, have done just that.

It's just another reason why these pretenders to governmental power who call themselves our interim government must not be trusted as far as we can throw them, which isn't very far at all. And when we get to elect our REAL city leaders, and they run for those offices, which I think they will, we should throw them out of their pretend offices and never afford them the opportunity to do us any further harm.


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