Tuesday's Election
There are three very important ballot initiatives on which to vote in the election coming up this Tuesday, November 8, 2011. I encourage everyone to get out and vote "Yes" on the Personhood Amendment (#26) to stop baby murder in Mississippi, "Yes" on Voter ID, and "Yes" on stopping eminent domain abuse by the government.
When it comes to voting on public offices, however, I only intend to vote in the race for our local justice court judge. In every single one of the other races, I don't see much difference between the Democrat and the RINO running.
Here's just one example: We received a political postcard yesterday from our incumbent "Republican" (read RINO) state representative, Jim Ellington. I know for a fact that he has hired illegal aliens to work for him before. He says in his postcard, "As a father and grandfather, you can count on me to strengthen education by spending more money directly in the classroom and by always putting the academic needs of children first." That sounds like a liberal Democrat/Socialist/Communist! I'm sure that he wants for us to think that he cares about children (a liberal tactic), and that the money we spend on education is largely wasted and doesn't always make it into the classroom, which is true. However, we spend way too much on education (about two-thirds of our state budget), we don't have enough to show for it, and they deprive and harm our children by refusing to mandate the teaching of the Holy Bible and the true religion of Christianity to every child.
No, Jim Ellington won't be getting my vote on Tuesday. Neither will any other "Republican," because they all look like RINOs to me. Maybe we need for liberals to take over so that we can learn a hard lesson, like we're learning at the federal level right now with Obama being in the White House.
Labels: 2011 Mississippi Elections, November 8
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