Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wearing Pajamas to School? What's Next?

Originally published on Dec. 2, 2006 at http://www.onlinebyram.com.

Whose stupid idea was this? I was at a friend's house last night, and noticed on their bulletin board a note sent home from the teacher of one of their children who is in the first grade, instructing that on Thursday, December 14, 2006, their child is to wear "pajamas or a nightgown" to school. They claim that this will "enhance their study as they watch the movie Polar Express." This is at Gary Road Elementary School here in Byram, where I live!

Yes, the Hinds County School District, the same bunch of people who have changed our Christmas Holidays to "Winter Break," is at it again! What's next? Junior high and high schools having Lingerie Days? Do we want for our little girls to grow up to be like Britney Spears, or do we care whether they follow God? And don't we want for our sons to grow up to be godly men?

I'm totally disgusted at this point. Sounds like more of what Rush Limbaugh calls "No Child's Behind Left Alone." This is one reason why we home school our son. Maybe next they'll want to use our taxpayer dollars to put the Playboy Channel in all of our public schools, and hand the remote to the biggest troublemaker in the class. Our State Constitution still states that the Bible will never be taken out of the schools of our state. It's time we give a copy, not only to every student, but to every teacher and administrator, because they obviously desperately need to read and learn to obey it.


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