Friday, June 06, 2008

Bennie Thompson

Well, U.S. "Representative" Bennie Thompson (D-MS-2) is at it again. For a second time, he is complaining about a duly sworn, highly-trained law enforcement officer bringing a gun on a plane. It was reported in the Jackson (MS) Clarion-Ledger (or, as some of us like to call it, the Clarion Liar) "newspaper" yesterday.

Thompson claims that he doesn't want for unauthorized people to be able to get guns onto airplanes, and that the reason is security. However, the only people he seems to complain about carrying guns onto planes are law enforcement officers.

Representative Thompson, this is not the '60s, where it was popular to go against authority, question every good thing, and yell "Police brutality!" just because a law enforcement officer looks at you. The time for dismantling every good and necessary institution in our nation needs to come to an end, as does your tenure in office. You have been elected in a district that has been illegally and unconstitutionally gerimandered to favor you, and that is bad for America, bad for Mississippi, and bad for the Second Congressional District of Mississippi.

Representative Thompson is another reason why Barack Obama should not be elected President. Thompson is already Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in the U.S. House under the liberal leadership of Nancy Pelosi, or "San Fran Nan," which is appalling. If Obama were elected President, then Thompson could end up a cabinet member. If U.S. Representatives were chosen on a statewide basis, then Thompson could never get elected in Mississippi, where we have just filled seven of our eight statewide offices with Republicans (in the 2007 elections).

Thompson is a pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, anti-gun liberal Democrat who should be booted out of office, but the majority of his electorate is just like him, and they continue to reelect him, apparently not realizing that he is a major reason why they remain in poverty in one of the poorest congressional districts in the entire nation. However, there is a better candidate running for the seat in the November election. His name is Richard Cook, or Byram (a suburb of Jackson), and his website address is If you live in District Two, then you might want to lend him your support. Even if you think he can't win, there's virtue in at least making a showing.

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