Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gas Prices WAY Down in Byram, Mississippi!

The price of gas is now -- are you ready for this? -- $1.99 a gallon here in Byram, Mississippi! I love it!

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Sam Donaldson on How the Democrats Usually Get Us Into Debt

Sam Donaldson on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," Sunday, October 26, 2008, 10:16 AM (Central Time): "George W. Bush is one of the great free marketers of our time, except that he took us into a huge national debt doing what the Democrats usually do."

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Elections, Churches, and Voter Turnout

This from David Barton and WallBuilders (

October 20, 2008

In Matthew 22:21, Jesus commanded His followers: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."

Today, many mistakenly act as if the conjunction in this verse is "or" -- that is, "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, or unto God the things that are God's," but to the contrary, the verse deliberately uses the conjunction "and" -- that is, "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Very simply, Christians are commanded to do their duty in both the spiritual and the civil arenas -- to fulfill a dual responsibility in both.

Christians in previous generations fully understood the scope of this command. For example, the Rev. Charles Finney, a minister and leader in America's Second Great Awakening, reminded Christians in his generation:

The Church must take right ground in regard to politics. . . . God cannot sustain this free and blessed country which we love and pray for unless the Church will take right ground. . . . God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.

There are three weekends left before the November elections, and churches can do five things during that time to help ensure that Christians fulfill their civic responsibilities in this election.

Election sermons began in America in 1633 and continued for the next 270 years. These sermons reminded Christians of their Biblical responsibilities in the civic arena, addressing the issues of the day from a Biblical perspective. As the Rev. Ebenezer Thayer noted in 1725, the preachers of Election Sermons were to offer thanks for the blessings received and also were to be "watchmen upon Jerusalem's wall, whose proper business is to decry dangers and give seasonable notice thereof -- to observe the sins of the times and the awful symptoms of God's departure." Dr. Timothy Stone's Election Sermon from 1792 can be read online.

2. Utilize these BULLETIN INSERTS.
We have a church bulletin insert with quotes from five famous American ministers on the importance of Christians voting according to Biblical standards and values. Obtain these bulletin inserts in packages of 50 or 100, and distribute them on Sunday, November 2 before the November 4th election. These bulletin inserts are offered at a 50% discount.

3. Make VOTERS GUIDES available to parishioners.
In the three weeks leading up to the election, make these guides available so that the people will be equipped to cast an informed vote either in early voting or in on site voting on Election Day. Those voters guides are available free on our website and are downloadable so that they can be printed in whatever quantities are needed by each church or group.

We have produced a 3-minute DVD, "Your Vote Counts," showing the historic role and importance of Christians voting. This DVD can be shown in church the Sunday preceding the election to encourage voter participation. (This video can be downloaded from our website or you can email us to order a copy of the DVD.)

5. All of the above activities are completely legal.
To assuage any concerns that pastors or parishioners might have, we not only have a letter from the IRS setting forth the freedoms of churches to engage in these activities but also the legal analyses of several national legal groups (including Liberty Legal Institute and Liberty Counsel) further affirming the right of churches to engage in these activities. In fact, these legal groups will represent free of charge any church that is attacked for engaging in these constitutionally protected activities.

Let's do all we can to be salt and light in the civil arena this election cycle, and these five things will help achieve that objective. (Feel free to forward this information on to other pastors, churches, or Biblical voters.)

God Bless!

David Barton

To sign up on the WallBuilders email list and receive future information about historical issues and Biblical values in the culture, visit

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Don't forget to listen to WallBuilders' daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, the intersection of faith and culture, or you can download the daily podcast. Visit for more information.

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Monday, October 20, 2008


McCain: Obama Policies Socialist

Palin: "Barack Obama calls it spreading the wealth. Joe Biden calls higher taxes patriotic," Palin said. "But Joe the Plumber and Ed the Dairyman, I believe they think it sounds more like socialism."

Powell: "I would have difficulty with two more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court"

"Joe the Plummer" Strikes Back at Media

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Petition to Make Columbus Day a State Holiday in the Great State of Mississippi

Please sign my petition to make Columbus Day a state holiday in the Great State of Mississippi! Go to

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Barack Osama Printed On Ballot in a County in New York

Barack Osama Printed On Ballot in a County in New York. Oops! :-) Source: CNN. Link:

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Our Family's Economy is Doing Better

They keep saying that the economy is bad and that the Dow is down, but the price of gas at our neighborhood Kroger is $2.999, and with the Kroger card, it's $2.969. Big corporations may be making less of a profit, but our family's economy is finally seeing a recovery. I hope that gas prices continue to drop! Now, if we could only get the majority back in Congress and do away with the law that the Democrats made (and President Bush signed! Grrr!) forcing the price of corn up, then maybe we could see a drop in the price of food at the grocery store as well.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Offices Raided on Suspicion of Voter Fraud

Source: FOX News. Link:

Description by Fred Nerks of ACORN at Free Republic:

I wonder to whom ACORN has been giving campaign contributions.

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Nabbed by Obama Nation

Jerome Corsi, author of a best-selling book blasting Barack Obama, is detained by officials in Kenya, the ancestral home of the White House hopeful. Source: FOX News at He had called in to the radio show Faith 2 Action within the last week, reporting live from Kenya. You can hear his interview at by clicking on the "Archives" button.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Sarah Show: Almost 70M People Watched Debate

Almost 70 million people watched the Palin-Biden debate last night, and I believe it was because of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin!

Source:, accessed online on Oct. 3, 2008.

Also, Sen. McCain, don't give up Michigan! Gov. Palin says she'd "be happy" to campaign there.

Source:, accessed online on Oct. 3, 2008.

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Obama, Biden "Palin" Comparison

Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin did a fantastic job in the debate last night. She's pro-God, pro-life, pro-marriage and family, and pro-gun. She's smart, she's experienced, and she's a true conservative. She's a genuinely joyfull person, and she truly loves her family and her country. And here are some other reasons why we can know that she's the right person for the job: the Democrats hate her, (not to be redundant, but) the liberals hate her, (not to be redundant again, but) the people who own and operate the mass media hate her, and the RINO's (Republicans in name only) don't like her.

She won the debate last night, but as soon as it was over, the liberal, pro-Obama, anti-America media talking heads started saying that Biden had won. If they admitted their bias, it wouldn't be quite so bad. However, they continue to claim that they try to engage in unbiased, professional journalism. Honest is something that McCain and Palin are, and they're not.

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