Friday, May 24, 2013

The Tuesday, June 4, 2013 Byram, MS Municipal General Election

With the Byram Municipal General Election a week and a half away, we should all remember some things about the incumbents who now occupy the offices of mayor and aldermen.

All of the incumbents have lied to us, and they have spent our tax money as fast as they could. They lied in that they told us that when Byram incorporated, they did NOT want to be officeholders in the actual, official government. But when those positions in the city government were offered to them, they did not hesitate to take them.

They lied to us at a meeting in the parking lot of Trinity Wesleyan Church on Siwell Road when they said that they would NOT give anyone living on the south side of Forest Hill Road over to Jackson in any kind of deal to incorporate Byram. Then they did. And they hurt the people living there. Their home values decreased, and they became a part of high tax, high crime Jackson.

They have put in traffic signals that we don't need. They want to build fire houses that we don't need. While the police give out tickets for speeding (which, the law should be enforced, but the speed limit should be 50, not 40, on a large portion of Siwell Road), the police themselves are often seen by us citizens speeding themselves, while there is no apparent emergency.

They have spent our money as fast as they could, and on what? When Siwell Road was paved, it was done with FEDERAL dollars, not city dollars. And then the City of Jackson messed up part of our brand-new road when they dug it up to run water to a new building.

That brings up another point: Byram should have its own city services. We should not be on Jackson water. And that brings up something else: People in Byram who live within one mile of Jackson have an extremely high water bill! THE CITY "LEADERS" IN BYRAM HAVE HAD FOUR LONG YEARS TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE FOR US, THE CITIZENS, AND THEY HAVE UTTERLY FAILED US.

And those people who hold the offices that they said they didn't want are now running for office AGAIN. They have even had the audacity to put up a billboard on I-55 which says that "we" fought hard for "independence," and that we should vote independent. That is just an obvious political ploy to win the offices that they have never deserved! Richard White, alderman, is running for mayor as an Independent, saying that political parties divide us, while he was in the state senate for years, and all that time, he called himself a Republican. There is a real Republican running for mayor, and his name is Phil Rodgers. Other aldermen, who are running for election as aldermen, who SHOULD NOT be elected because of their lies and because of their total FAILURE to do any good for the citizens of Byram, are Kent Alday, Theresa Marble, Amy Douglas, and Danny Ford. There ARE some good candidates running; PLEASE vote for them. The City of Byram does not belong just to the ones who supposedly "worked so hard for incorporation" for "all those many years," and for oh, so "selfless" reasons. The future of OUR city depends, in part, on us voting for the BEST candidate running in each race. God bless you.

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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

General Election Candidates, Byram, MS, June 4, 2013

Candidates in the General Election in Byram, Mississippi, to Be Held on Tuesday, June 4, 2013

As best I can tell, these are the candidates who will be in the General Election on June 4, 2013. I will try to update this after I see the Mississippi Secretary of State's official results posted on their website.



Phillip L. (Phil) Rodgers - R
Richard White - I
Kevin D. Lavine - D


Richard Cook - R
Erma J. Johnson - D

Alderman - Ward 1

Jim Moser - R
Melody A. (Molly) Gill - I
Robert L. Barnes, Jr. - D
Kent Nathan Alday - I

Alderman - Ward 2

Adrienne Hamby - I
Diandra Hosey - D

Alderman - Ward 3

Jimmy Ray Horton - D
Theresa Marble - I

Alderman - Ward 4

Teresa Mack - D
Amy Douglas - I

Alderman - Ward 5

Mary V. Gordy - D
Wanda Smith - I

Alderman - Ward 6

Gregory McMillan - I
Takiyah T. Martin - D
D.L. (Danny) Ford - R

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