Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Listen to WallBuilders Live! with David Barton and Rick Green Online

Listen to WallBuilders Live! online with David Barton and Rick Green at http://www.wallbuilderslive.com. It's great Christian radio that features current events and the true history of our great nation! They also have past shows archived, and you can listen online via streaming audio or download shows to your computer or MP3 player and listen anytime!

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Friday, May 23, 2008

U.S. Army Soldier Punished for Taking Target Practice at a Koran

According to the Patriot Post, a U.S. Army soldier was punished this week for using a copy of an unholy book, the Koran, for target practice, and I'm guessing that it was worth the punishment to see that book that has misled so many people fly to pieces when the bullets hit it. I'd like to know how accurate his marksmanship was, and I'd love to see a photo of the Koran after that good soldier was finished with it. I wonder whether the Army let him keep that Koran. It would be a great souvenir. Even President Bush apologized for it. President Bush should take target practice at a copy of the Koran himself, on the White House lawn, with an Army-issue, M1911A1, .45 caliber pistol. It would do the whole world some good.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ted Kennedy

The ungodly people who control the mass media in America are again making a big deal over a Kennedy; this time, it's Ted. He has been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer, and they're using it as yet another excuse to promote the Kennedy family and to advance their ungodly agenda.

They say that Ted Kennedy has influenced every single piece of legislation that has come through the U.S. Senate since he was first elected to that body. I don't doubt it. But what they're not telling us is that he has influenced every single piece of legislation in a way that has been extremely bad for our country.

His father was guilty of money laundering, but cut a deal with the federal government and stayed out of jail in exchange for teaching them how it's done and helping them catch others who were involved in it. He paid a ghost writer to write a book titled Profiles in Courage and then put his son John's name on it as the author in order to help get him elected President. John, Bobby, and Ted have all been ungodly and have all been bad for this country. The fact that Ted now has brain cancer won't stop me from talking about it, and shouldn't stop anyone else from talking about it.

President George W. Bush, to his shame, while supposedly trying to prove that he could get along with the Democrats - something for which he was not elected, let Ted Kennedy write the education bill. In doing so, President Bush effectively sacrificed the majority of American children to the Democrats. Jesus says that for whoever causes even one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him to have a millstone (a huge, very heavy stone) tied around his neck and to be cast into the sea. President Bush and Senator Kennedy are both guilty of causing our nation's children to stumble, and they should be held accountable for it. Neither of them should have ever been elected to office. Bush won't be running for anything else, presumably, and that is a very good thing. The people of Massachusetts should not reelected Ted Kennedy if he runs for reelection, but they've reelected him for so long, I have to ask why. If anyone from Massachusetts reads this, please respond and tell me why in the world y'all vote Ted Kennedy back into office over and over again.

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Rush Limbaugh Supporting Christianity?

Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk show host whose insights are valuable because he often dispenses vital information which no one else discusses or seemingly has knowledge of until he makes it public, really surprised me yesterday. Between 1:50 and 2:00PM Central Time, if I heard him right, he said that he heard a group of Obama supporters huddled in a group in a corner of a room saying that Jesus Christ is dead. Again, if I heard him right, Rush Limbaugh walked over to them and said, "No, He's not! He rose from the grave!" And, according to Limbaugh, that shut them up! Well, if I did hear him right, I say, "Bravo, Rush Limbaugh! Keep up the good work! And, if you'll stop using profanity and making sexual innuendo, and stop promoting tobacco use, then you will be very useful in the Kingdom of God."

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Rush Limbaugh Supporting Christianity?

Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk show host whose insights are valuable because he often dispenses vital information which no one else discusses or seemingly has knowledge of until he makes it public, really surprised me yesterday. Between 1:50 and 2:00PM Central Time, if I heard him right, he said that he heard a group of Obama supporters huddled in a group in a corner of a room saying that Jesus Christ is dead. Again, if I heard him right, Rush Limbaugh walked over to them and said, "No, He's not! He rose from the grave!" And, according to Limbaugh, that shut them up! Well, if I did hear him right, I say, "Bravo, Rush Limbaugh! Keep up the good work! And, if you'll stop using profanity and making sexual innuendo, and stop promoting tobacco use, then you will be very useful in the Kingdom of God."

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is the Media on the Side of Illegal Aliens?

Tonight, WJTV-TV 12 in Jackson, Mississippi is planning to air a segment on illegal immigration. Judging from the ad they've been running to promote it, they intend to promote illegal entry into our country.

A little while back, the three major local television news stations here in Metro Jackson, MS aired a story on the arrest of some illegal aliens here who were working in a Chinese restaurant. Our perception is that most illegals are from Mexico. Of course, many of them are. It seems to me that the people who own and control the content of the media want to say to us, "If we deport all the illegals, then we won't have any more Chinese restaurants." Of course, many of us like to eat at those places, me included. It seems that it's just another attempt to turn public opinion against the deportation of illegal aliens.

What will our elected officials do about illegal aliens who have entered our country? Well, my state representative, Jim Ellington (R), hired them to fix his vacation home on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. We can't count on him to do the right thing. My former state senator, Richard White (R), was defeated by David Blount (D) in the last election when he stopped listening to his constituents. Will the new one do the right thing? I don't know. What has our governor done during his tenure other than quickly rebuild all the casinos that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina? Our new Republican Lieutenant Governor, Phil Bryant, campaigned on a promise of cracking down on illegal immigration. What has he done? Of course, our Democratic Congress and our disappointing President have refused to do the right thing.

We need to elect good people to office, but before we can do that, we have to be good ourselves. There is a concerted effort against true Christianity in America and in the world. Repentance and obedience to God are our only chance.

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Christian Persecution, Abortion, and Immigration (Both Illegal and Legal)

Every year, 200 million Christians are persecuted for their faith worldwide, and 45,000 are martyred (read murdered) for the same reason every year – because they chose to follow Jesus Christ, the One True God, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

There are at least 12 million illegal aliens in our country right now. We have also murdered right around 50 million of our own unborn children while still inside their mothers’ wombs through “abortion.” “To abort” means “to stop” or “to end.” What is being ended in an “abortion”? What is being ended is an innocent human life. It is being ended wrongly, and their blood is crying out to God for justice.

We can, and we should, repent of our sins of baby murder and of failing to protect our national borders and our national security by bringing in those 200 million brothers and sisters in Christ to live and work here permanently, by deporting those 12 million or so illegal aliens and not allowing them to re-enter our country (or by shooting and killing them), and by kicking all the liberals out of our State Department, because they are largely to blame for a lot of the problems we have with the illegal alien issue.

We were founded as a Christian Nation, and a Federal, Constitutional Republic. It has been said that if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. The world needs for us to be great. We are the last, best hope (in the way of nations) for the world, because we - with all of our problems and all of our faults - come closer to being what a nation should be than any other nation on earth.

I want for America to return to God immediately. Now is always the appointed time to obey God, isn't it? And I want for all of the other formerly Christian nations of the earth to return to God. And we all need to work to evangelize all of the nations of the earth. We are commanded to do so. It will be done before the end will come (Matthew 24:14). Why not in our generation? We are called to be faithful. It is not being faithful to say, "When Jesus returns, He will set everything straight. There's nothing I can do." Jesus has commanded us to occupy until He returns, to take the glorious Gospel to the ends of the earth, and to do all that He has commanded. He has made it clear that the Master of the house will not happy if He finds His servants being disobedient when He returns. Let's make Him proud of us! Let's obey His commands! And let's pile up heavenly rewards for ourselves! He has promised to give them to us for our obedience. It would not be right for us to turn our noses up at what He has offered to us. It is not arrogance to want to be rewarded by God. He wants to reward us! We should want to receive all that He wants to give us!


Rev. James Broadwater, M.Div.
Byram (Metro Jackson), MS

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