Look Who's Supporting Bryant and Hewes
Look who's supporting Phil Bryant for Governor and Billy Hewes for Lieutenant Governor: Trent Lott.
See Clarion-Ledger story here: http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20110216/NEWS/102160334/Lott-supporting-Bryant-Hewes
Former U.S. Senator Trent Lott, who I write about in my book. Trent Lott, who resigned when it looked like he might be indicted for who knows what. Trent Lott, who resigned just one year into what turned out to be his final term, giving Governor Haley Barbour the opportunity to put whoever he wanted in that office to replace Lott. Trent Lott, who, as senate majority leader, refused to allow boxes and boxes of evidence to be admitted into the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton. And according to this article, Trent Lott has done a fundraising event for Phil Bryant, which means that Bryant cannot disavow his acceptance of Lott's endorsement. I believe that this is yet another reason why we can do better than Phil Bryant, to turn a favorite phrase of Haley Barbour's.
Labels: Phil Bryant James Broadwater Trent Lott Governor Mississippi 2011 elections politics