There is again a better alternative to Bennie Thompson for U.S. Congress from Mississippi District Two.
Richard Cook is a Republican running for the seat. Here's what he says about the issues:
Richard is a strong supporter of our military forces around the world. He believes that they should be the best equipped of any military in the world. They put their lives on the line for us every day of their life. They need 100% of our support.
Illegal Immigration
This is a big issue in our country today. It is a matter of security. Richard believes that we need to stop illegal immigration at the border. He will work to help get the wall completed first. Then deal with those already in the country. We need to stop giving benefits, funded by taxpayers to those who come to our country illegally. We need to penalize those who provide the jobs for the illegal immigrates.
The best way to help stimulate the economy is to let the people keep most of their money and decide how to spend it. We need taxes, but not excessive taxes. The government needs to do like the rest of us, learn how to work within their means. We need to cut taxes and at the same time, cut spending. We need to stop earmark or "pork" spending. Let's spend hard earned taxpayer money on things that are necessary - not spend to just be spending.
As a teacher, Richard has seen how difficult it is in today's schools. We need to encourage more people to become teachers and help our leaders of tomorrow. Teachers also need to be paid a competitive wage. Mississippi needs to stop being at the bottom of the pay scale so that we can recruit and keep the best teachers we can.
Health Care
First and foremost, a nationalized health care system is not the answer. There are issues to be worked out, but let the health care companies, working with the government, come up with a way to ensure that all Americans can have the heath care they require, but not at the expense of the already overburdened taxpayer.
On the other hand, Bennie Thompson is pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, and pro-gun control, and twice he has demanded something be done about LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS carrying guns onto planes. They're not the ones about whom we need to be concerned.
District Two was unconstitutionally and illegally gerrymandered to favor a Black politician, not a statesman who is the best candidate no matter what his or her color. This illegality is the ONLY way that Bennie Thompson can get elected. If the people will vote for the better candidate and not vote based on a racist agenda, then Richard Cook will be elected. If they vote more Black than Christian, then Bennie Thompson will be elected for yet another term of doing disservice to the people.
Labels: 2008 elections, Bennie Thompson, Mississippi District Two, Politics, Richard Cook, U.S. Congress